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- Chronic homelessness in the community;
- Homelessness in the community and for specific populations, including Indigenous homeless residents;
- New inflows into homelessness;
- Returns to homelessness.
As stated on the Homelessness Learning Hub, the Community Homelessness Report (CHR) supports communities to transition to an outcomes-based approach, a key component of the work to prevent and reduce homelessness using a more coordinated, systems-based and data-driven response.
The CHR was developed by Employment and Social Development Canada and is a requirement for Reaching Home communities that are receiving funding from the Designated Communities stream (outside of Quebec), as well as those receiving funding from the Territorial Homelessness stream.
The CHR helps communities to assess progress against the Coordinated Access minimum requirements under Reaching Home. It is also the tool to report community-level data to the Government of Canada on a yearly basis. CHR data gives a year-over-year picture of the state of homelessness at the community level and the system in place to address it. Communities can use these data to identify community-level trends specific to cumulative levels of homelessness, inflows into homelessness, outflows from homelessness, and housing-focused outcomes.
Access Thompson’s 2019–2021 CHR here
2021–2022 CHR here
2022–2023 CHR here