2024–2025 Reaching Home Base Funding
We-Chi-i-Toh-Kamik & Lived-Experience Circle Support — Thompson Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation (**NEW**)
The implementation phase of We-Chi-i-Toh-Kamik, Thompson's coordinated access system, is ready to begin and builds on existing policy and procedure work. Providing logistical, administrative, and training supports for the Lived-Experience Circle, the voting body of the We-Chi-i-Toh-Kamik governance group, is a component of this project.
Upgrades and Renovations Phoenix House II for Women — Men Are Part of the Solution, Inc. (Project Extension)
Completion of upgrades and renovations in the supportive transitional house for women experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
MAPS House — Men Are Part of the Solution, Inc. (Project Extension)
Completion of upgrades and mortgage relief for the purchase of one side of the permanent supportive housing unit for a medium-size family experiencing or at risk of homelessness. The house will be ready for an April 2024 move-in date. The family will be selected using We-Chi-i-Toh-Kamik, Thompson's coordinated access system
Upgrades 95 Cree Road, Peer-Support Worker, and Wage Top-Ups — Canadian Mental Health Association (Project Extension)
Completing the needed upgrades for appliances, furnishings, and other materials and supplies to maintain a decent standard of living at 95 Cree Road. Funding also provided for a peer-support worker and wage top-ups for some existing staff.
Point-in-Time Count and Registry Week/Magnet Event — Thompson Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation (Project Extension)
Continuing with the planning and implementation of a fall 2024 Point-in-Time (PiT) Count to document sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness on a single night. The Registry Week/Magnet event will assist in building a comprehensive list of people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Data collected from the PiT Count & Registry Week/Magnet event provides a snapshot of the community and is a tool used to assess progress in ending homelessness.
335 Juniper Family Housing — Thompson Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation (Project Extension)
Providing additional mortgage relief funding for the property at 335 Juniper as well as the addition of 331 Juniper to the We-Chi-i-Toh-Kamik family housing resource inventory. It is anticipated these two properties will available sometime in the spring or early summer of 2024 for families experiencing or at risk of homelessness .
2023-2024 Reaching Home Winter Unsheltered Homelessness Response Funding
MAPS House — Men Are Part of the Solution, Inc. (**NEW**)
Capital purchase of one side of a duplex for permanent supportive housing for a medium-size family experiencing or at risk of homelessness. After some minor upgrades, the facility will be ready for an April 2024 move-in date. Family will be selected using We-Chi-i-Toh-Kamik, Thompson's coordinated access system.
2023-2024 Reaching Home Base & Supplemental Funding
Point-in-Time Count and Registry Week/Magnet Event — Thompson Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation (**NEW**)
Planning and conducting a fall 2024 Point-in-Time (PiT) Count to document sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness on a single night. The Registry Week/Magnet event helps build a comprehensive list of people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Data collected from the PiT Count & Registry Week/Magnet event provides a snapshot of the community and is a tool used to assess progress in ending homelessness.
Upgrades at 31 McGill and 95 Cree Road — Canadian Mental Health Association (**NEW**)
Providing needed upgrades for appliances, furnishings, and other materials and supplies to maintain a decent standard of living at transitional houses servicing people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
335 Juniper Family Housing — Thompson Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation (**NEW**)
Providing funding for extensive renovation and rebuilding of the property at 335 Juniper as part of the We-Chi-i-Toh-Kamik family housing resource inventory. It is anticipated this property will available sometime in the spring of 2024 for two small families experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
Coordinated Access and Data Collection — Word Tapestries Inc. (**NEW**)
Providing a new direction and vision for the implementation of coordinated access, recently rebranded locally as We-Chi-i-Toh-Kamik, to ensure the policy and procedural Reaching Home requirements are met by 31 December 2023.
Mentorship: Lived-Experience Circle Coordinator — Y.W.C.A. Thompson (**NEW**)
Furthering the Lived-Experience Support Worker project started in 2022–2023, the opportunities available at the YWCA strengthen the mentorship component of the project. The lived-experience coordinator has proven to be integral to the success of the Lived-Experience Circle governance group.
Upgrades and Renovations Phoenix Houses I and II — Men Are Part of the Solution, Inc. (Project Extension)
Continuing with needed upgrades to furnishings, equipment, appliances, and renovations for supportive transitional housing for men and for women experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
On-Call Support Worker (Pilot Project) — Men Are Part of the Solution, Inc. (Project Extension)
Continuing for a second year in providing staffing dollars for an on-call support worker during evenings and on weekends for both Phoenix House I for Men and Phoenix House II for Women. The opening of Phoenix House II for women doubled the number of residents in the MAPS transitional supportive housing program and additional staff are required to meet the needs of clients.
Thompson Homeless Shelter/Cold Weather Policy — Thompson Homeless Shelter, Inc. (Project Extension)
Continuing to provide support services, basic needs, and emergency shelter for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness, with additional supports for extreme cold-weather periods. Additional staffing dollars provided for the expanded facilities at the Polaris building. Project ended 30 June 2023 .
2022-2023 Reaching Home Base & Supplemental Funding
Upgrades and Renovations Phoenix Houses I and II — Men Are Part of the Solution, Inc. (**NEW**)
Providing needed upgrades to furnishings, equipment, appliances, and renovations for supportive transitional housing for men and for women experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
On-Call Support Worker (Pilot Project) — Men Are Part of the Solution, Inc. (**NEW**)
Providing staffing dollars for an on-call support worker during evenings and on weekends for both Phoenix House I for Men and Phoenix House II for Women. The opening of Phoenix House II for women doubled the number of residents in the MAPS transitional supportive housing program and additional staff to meet the needs of clients is being explored.
2020-2021 Reaching Home COVID-19 Funding
Indigenous Lived-Experience Circle Support Worker — Thompson Homeless Shelter, Inc. (**NEW**)
As part of the coordinated access system (see below) and to guide its implementation, an Indigenous Lived-Experience Circle governance group was formed in the spring of 2022 — a unique and innovative approach in Reaching Home communities. The lived-experience support worker provides administrative and other supports for this governance group.
Coordinated Access and Data Collection — Thompson Homeless Shelter, Inc. (Project Extension)
Continuing with the implementation of the coordinated access system, a Reaching Home requirement for all designated communities. The project is underway in fulfilling its mandate to streamline access to services and supports for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
Thompson Homeless Shelter/Cold Weather Policy — Thompson Homeless Shelter, Inc. (Project Extension)
Continuing to provide support services, basic needs, and emergency shelter for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness, with additional supports for extreme cold-weather periods. Additional staffing dollars provided for the expanded facilities at the Polaris building.
2021-2022 Reaching Home Base Funding
Thompson 2022 Point-in-Time Count — Thompson Homeless Shelter, Inc. (**NEW**)
Planning and conducting a spring 2022 point-in-time (PiT) count to document sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness on a single night. Data collected from the PiT Count provides a snapshot of the community and is a tool used to assess progress in ending homelessness. The final report is available here. Phoenix House II–Transitional Housing for Women — Men Are Part of the Solution, Inc. (**NEW**)
Capital purchase of a 12-bed unit to provide supportive transitional housing for women experiencing or at risk of homelessness (opening Fall 2021).
Coordinated Access and Data Collection — Thompson Homeless Shelter, Inc. (**NEW**)
Setting up and implementing Coordinated Access, a program that streamlines access to services and supports for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness (a Reaching Home requirement for all designated communities).
Thompson Homeless Shelter/Cold Weather Policy — Thompson Homeless Shelter, Inc. (Project Extension)
Continuing to provide services, basic needs, and emergency shelter for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness, with additional supports for extreme cold-weather periods.
Sheltering the Homeless in Place Project (SHIPP) — Y.W.C.A. Thompson (Project Extension)
Continuing to provide housing services and basic needs for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness, who, in addition to having an elevated risk of COVID-19 complications, have nowhere to safely shelter in place.
2020-2021 Reaching Home Base Funding
Thompson Homeless Shelter/Cold Weather Policy — Thompson Homeless Shelter, Inc. (Project Extension)
Continuing to provide support services, basic needs, and emergency shelter for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness, with additional supports for extreme cold-weather periods.
Sheltering the Homeless in Place Project (SHIPP) — Y.W.C.A. Thompson (Project Extension)
Continuing to provide housing services and basic needs for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness, who, in addition to having an elevated risk of COVID-19 complications, have nowhere to safely shelter in place.
Sheltering the Homeless In Place Project (SHIPP) — Y.W.C.A. Thompson (**NEW**)
Providing housing services and basic needs for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness, who, in addition to having an elevated risk of COVID-19 complications, have nowhere to safely shelter in place.