- Accommodation Tax By-law
- Alarm System By-law
- Animal Control By-law
- Behavioral By-law
- Building By-law
- Business Licensing By-law
- Campaign Expense By-Law
- Cemetery By-law
- City Manager By-law
- Compliance Bylaw
- Consolidated Building Safety and Property Standards By-law
- Consolidated Indemnity By-law
- Consolidated - Organization and Procedural By-law
- Consolidated Solid Waste By-law
- Consolidated Water and Wastewater Utility By-law
- Council Code of Conduct By-law
- Dead Wood, Salvage of By-law
- Derelict Vehicle By-Law
- Designated Officer By-law
- Election Sign By-law
- Financial Assistance By-law
- Fire Prevention and Emergency Service By-law
- Fireworks By-law
- Graffiti By-law
- Lotteries By-law
- Noise By-law
- Off-Road Vehicles By-law
- Open Air Burning By-law
- Reduced Speed in School Zone By-law
- Sexually Explicit Material By-law
- Single Use Plastic Bag By-law
- Smoking By-law
- The Municipal Enforcement Act Enabling By-law
- Traffic By-law
- Use of a Municipal Resource in an Election By-Law
- Vacant and Derelict Building By-Law
- Vehicles For Hire By-law
- Water and Wastewater Rates By-law
- Zoning By-Law
By-Laws and Policies